Real-World Solutions, Real Results.

Delve into diverse scenarios showcasing the effectiveness of our services. From global expansion to operational efficiency, our use case page illustrates the transformative impact of our solutions on businesses across various industries and sectors, highlighting tangible results and strategic advantages.

Real-World Solutions, Real Results.

Delve into diverse scenarios showcasing the effectiveness of our services. From global expansion to operational efficiency, our use case page illustrates the transformative impact of our solutions on businesses across various industries and sectors, highlighting tangible results and strategic advantages.

Solutions in Action

Showcasing Real-World Applications

Our comprehensive Payroll & HR service is designed to enhance the efficiency of your business operations. By managing all aspects of payroll and HR, we ensure compliance with local and international employment laws, while providing streamlined administrative support. This service is key to freeing up your resources, so you can focus on strategic growth and core business functions.

  • Automated and compliant payroll processing
  • Streamlined HR management
  • Adherence to local and global employment regulations
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Navigate the complexities of global workforce mobility with our Immigration & Visa services. We specialize in providing expert immigration advice, efficient visa application processing, and ensuring compliance with immigration regulations. This service is essential for businesses looking to expand their talent pool globally, offering seamless integration of international employees into your workforce.

  • Expert guidance on immigration laws
  • Efficient visa application and processing
  • Compliance with international workforce regulations
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Our Employer of Record service simplifies your global workforce expansion. We handle the legal and administrative aspects of international employment, ensuring full compliance with employment laws. This service provides a hassle-free solution to managing HR tasks, legal obligations, and payroll for your international employees.

  • Comprehensive international employment compliance
  • Management of HR and legal responsibilities
  • Streamlined global workforce expansion Talent Acquisition: Recruitment
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Connect with the best global talent through our specialized Recruitment services. We focus on sourcing, screening, and placing ideal candidates that align with your specific business needs. Our service is designed to access a diverse talent pool, ensuring the most suitable candidates are efficiently placed, enhancing the quality and productivity of your workforce.

  • Access to a diverse global talent pool
  • Specialized talent sourcing and screening
  • Efficient and strategic candidate placement
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我们是一家提供全方位服务的公司 - 我们能为您提供什么帮助?


与我们合作,获得顶尖人才,同时降低合规风险。我们专业的名义雇主(Employer of Record)专家团队将让您的外包服务体验更加顺畅,您的员工将在整个合同期内,享受全球工作机遇。






全面解决方案 为您量身定制


我们的客户给予我们的优质评价 — 那你还等什么呢?

"I have worked with Innovare Solutions for several years. I have always found you professional, timely and friendly in managing my invoicing, billing and tax. Especially when I work in new locations like South Korea, Innovare’s global presence has enabled me to settle in seamlessly. I would recommend it to anyone."
"I have worked with Innovare Solutions for several years. I have always found you professional, timely and friendly in managing my invoicing, billing and tax. Especially when I work in new locations like South Korea, Innovare’s global presence has enabled me to settle in seamlessly. I would recommend it to anyone."
Senior Consultant
"Chevron would like to thank Innovare for your great support in 2009. Despite the complexity of our multi-currency regional agreement, you were able to deliver good services. Thank you for your patience when we were setting up the different Innovare entity accounts in Chevron's system. Innovare's flexibility in accommodating our additional requirements is also much appreciated. Last but not least, I would like to thank your accounts team for their diligence and prompt responses."
Area Procurement Operations Supervisor
"Thank you very much Joseph - you and your team have gone above and beyond - we greatly appreciate it!"
"We have really appreciated Innovare's support with South Korea and in particular Cecilia has been a huge help in assisting with the management and payment process. She really has done a fabulous job and we are very happy with all her hard work and support on the South Korea account."
Senior Consultant
"As the year draws to a close PMI would like to thank Innovare for your assistance and support during the establishment of our Singapore operation. We have found your service to be very efficient and timely and PMI would happily recommend Innovare to others going through the same process."
Operations Director


1) Innovare 的核心服务是什么?

2) Innovare 在哪些国家开展业务?

3) 使用 Innovare 的承包商数量是否有最低或最高限制?

4) 聘请外包员工是否有最短或最长期限?

5) 入职流程需要多长时间?

6) Innovare 提供保险吗?

7) 在支付工资时,你们是否支持不同货币?

8) 你们有服务的固定价目表吗?

9) 您目前服务的客户主要是哪些?


You've got questions, and we have the answers.

1) What are the core services of Innovare?

1) What are the core services of

2) What countries does Innovare operate in?

2) What countries does Innovare
operate in?

3) Is there a minimum or maximum number of
contractors to use Innovare?

3) Is there a minimum or maximum
number of contractors to use

4) Is there a minimum or maximum period to engage a

4) Is there a minimum or maximum
period to engage a contractor?

5) How long is the onboarding process?

5) How long is the onboarding

6) Does Innovare have insurance?

7) Do you support different currencies when
processing payroll?

7) Do you support different
currencies when processing payroll?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for our services?

8) Do you have a fixed price list for
our services?

9) What are the current customers that you serve?

9) What are the current customers
that you serve?

Discover Your Solution

Explore how our services can uniquely address your challenges. Reach out now for a tailored consultation and take the first step towards transformative solutions.